Quotes & Reviews

 “Corrie Dick is one of the most gifted drummers I’ve come across in recent years; he’s well on his way to being a visionary both as a musician and composer. With such vibrance and flair there is no doubt in my mind that he will soon assert himself as one of the finest contemporary percussionists on the UK scene.”  (NY saxophonist, Will Vinson)

“Remarkably mature and moving songwriting” (Splinter Jazz)

“Fluent, supportive on drums, also produced the compositional highlight of the evening, the emotional corner-stone of the set. I can’t wait to hear it again” (London Jazz News)

“Corrie Dick contributes songs that are romantic and full of feeling in the best way” (Music OMH)

“Corrie Dick has stood out for some time as one of the most enterprising figures among Scotland’s plentiful young jazz players.”  (The Herald)

“Corrie is the perfect drummer/percussionist… colouring each piece with precision, complex rhythms/techniques and visible enjoyment” (London Jazz News)

“I thank the heavens that [this] superhero musician has come into my life” (Laura Jurd)

“The trumpeter [Laura Jurd] herself and expressive drummer Corrie Dick are both sensations who have made big names for themselves straight out of the blocks. Compared to other genres, jazz doesn’t really thrive on hype. Their secret is just that they’re really, really good.” (London Jazz News)

Review in The Irish Times

Interview in London Jazz News

Feature in The Scotsman

Extended feature in Herald Scotland

BBC News Bulletin